Hi Elysian Luo,
I really liked your blog post 3 on inclusive design. I agree that “having learners reflect on a regular basis” and “after interacting with materials” students are able to absorb the information better. It helps with recalling the information from the brain more easily and conveniently as to just reading material from a text and trying to memorize it. Without the action of analyzing and applying the information that we learn it is extremely hard to recall it after some time has passed because it seems that we have made little to no connection with the information. I also liked the assignment you used for your blueprint which was extremely cool to me because I did not think you could mix and match your own vitamins to reach a good daily dose of vitamins level. I also think more people should be doing that because it is important to stay healthy. But with vitamins and its description being so confusing, how would people with English as their second language be able to properly understand the content?
Jinyi Luo